GAINS Associates

Build Efficient Markets
Compliant Market MakingI


Key Features

1. Optimized liquidity for more efficient trading
2. Retain asset control with no holding periods
3. Expert-driven, partner-focused market making
4. Weekly reports with performance reviews
5. Neutrality & risk management to foster stability
6. Compliance with regulatory standards

Efficiency Market

Our compliant market-making partners minimize risks, promote fair trading, ensure transparency, and eliminate conflicts of interest while maintaining steady volume, reducing costs, and boosting credibility within regulatory standards.

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Algorithms continuously update orders around the mid price to encourage larger trades, while liquidity distribution adjusts automatically to optimize the client's market-making strategy.

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Are Harmonized

Prices are aligned across exchanges, capturing arbitrage opportunities between centralized and decentralized platforms.

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Tusted by Industry

With years of experience in listings, we’ve built strong relationships with leading partners, ensuring our clients get the best results. Let us help your project stand out in a competitive market.

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Learn. Invest. GAINS.